2023 EOY Report

The OPMD Association, an all-volunteer, donor-funded organization appreciates the generosity of our donors and volunteers. Our Mission is to advocate for and serve people affected with Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy (OPMD) by providing education, resources, and programs and by creating partnerships with research institutions and corporations in order to discover treatments and a cure for OPMD.

BOD Member, Melissa Farugia, managing the booth, MDA Clinical & Scientific Conference

OPMD Association 2023 Accomplishments

On August 18, 2023 the OPMD Association celebrated our first year as a 501(c)(3) advocacy nonprofit. We gratefully acknowledge support of the OPMD Community, nonprofit and clinical partners, and our donors in these notable OPMD Association accomplishments:
2023 Accomplishments

Launched OPMD website

Awarded 2023 MDA Advocacy Collaboration Grant
Featured patient advocacy booth at MDA Clinical & Scientific Conference
Accepted membership in the MDA Neuromuscular Advocacy Collaborative
Received Global Genes 2023 RARE Disease Summit Grant
Attended Global Genes RARE Disease Summit in San Diego
Developed OPMD Community Registry: https://opmd.org/registry/

Expanded social media presence

Distributed first quarterly newsletter, OPMD Matters: https://opmd.org/contact/

Launched Volunteer Program: https://opmd.org/volunteer/

Developed proprietary OPMD Association Database

Established OPMD Advocacy Initiative

Met with Legislators in Washington D.C.
David Maestas, Legislative Director for Texas Congressman Tony Gonzalez
Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro and James Romano
Arizona Congressman Juan Ciscomani

What does OPMD Association year two look like?

Maureen Costello, OPMD Association Volunteer and Spokesperson
2024 Projects and Goals
Conduct and publish OPMD Community Research Study results
Participate in Global Genes Rare-X Registry Project

Expand OPMD Advocacy Initiative

MDA sponsored OPMD Community Training webinar, RARE Disease Day, February 29,2024

Publish OPMD fact sheet

MDA Clinical & Scientific Conference, March 3-6, 2024
Expand OPMD Website Resources (clinical network, equipment list, helpful links) and introduce Tips & Tricks
Add Caregivers’ Corner resource page on the OPMD website

Continue to grow social media presence

Launch Grassroots Community Advocacy Program

Apply for research and marketing grants

Recruit an OPMD Champion